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Four Fundamental Prenatal Supplements

Industry by Rosemary Tambini on January 24, 2018

Four Fundamental Prenatal Supplements

During pregnancy, adequate nutrition is extremely important not only to the mother’s health, but the healthy development of her baby. Certain deficiencies can lead to congenital abnormalities or birth defects. These abnormalities can grow with the child, raising his or her susceptibility to chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and coronary artery disease (draxe).

Taking supplements while pregnant has the potential to “reduce maternal morbidity and mortality directly by treating a pregnancy-related illness or indirectly by lowering the risk of complications at delivery” (draxe).

Which supplements, you ask?

While a variety of vitamins and minerals are important to the health of a pregnant woman and her offspring, we’ve gathered 5 of the most crucial supplements that can make a pivotal difference in the development of a child through adulthood and beyond.

1. Folate
Most popular among suggested vitamins for those trying to get pregnant, folate can help prevent neural tube defects in newborns, including spina bifida. It is highly recommended to take folate before conception. It is so highly recommended, in fact, that women are urged to take the vitamin immediately after becoming pregnant if they were not already taking it (nhs).

2. Vitamin D
As we know ( Vitamin D is essential to everyone’s health. However, it is especially important in pregnant and breastfeeding women who should consider taking a daily supplement. Vitamin D helps build babies’ teeth and bones, while levels of this nutrient affect pregnant women’s immunity, brain function, mood, and blood pressure (draxe). Vitamin D is even added to infant formula milk along with non-dairy milk alternatives, which shows just how necessary this vitamin is to the health and growth of not only the mother but the child as well (nhs).

Certain deficiencies can lead to congenital abnormalities or birth defects.

3. B-Vitamins
A balanced diet is indeed necessary for all people, particularly those who are pregnant. What elevates the significance of supplementation is a balanced diet’s inability to provide a sufficient daily dose of Vitamin B 6, which can relieve morning sickness. In the meantime, Vitamin B 12 is a good option for vegetarians and vegans since it is not derived from animal products (choice).

4. Iron
Necessary to the delivery of oxygen to the baby, iron is more important than we might have thought. Anemia, which is the condition caused by an iron deficiency, is exceptionally common among pregnant women. Why? Because when pregnant, the body produces twice the amount of blood than it normally does, requiring more iron to make more hemoglobin for all the extra blood. When anemic, the mother can experience extreme fatigue, potentially affecting the baby, as such a deficiency can lead to premature birth. According to the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), “apart from increased vascular blood mass for the mother and placenta, the developing [fetus] draws iron from the mother for use in the first five or six months after birth…”(draxe, nhs, choice). This is a perfect example of how nutrient levels matter beyond the typical nine months of pregnancy.

Four Fundamental Prenatal Supplements

Does this list surprise you? Want to promote the health of pregnant women who have yet to learn the benefits of prenatal supplements? As part of our private label stock program, MAKERS NUTRITION offers a PRENATAL DHA formula that supports a healthy pregnancy. We would also be more than happy to work with your custom formula, as you have the opportunity to better the health of so many women and future children! Give us a call at 1-844-625-3771 or request a quote at —we are ready to get started when you are.

**These are only a few of the very key vitamins and minerals from which both pregnant and women trying to become pregnant can benefit. However, it is just as important to consult a licensed physician before taking any supplements as each pregnancy and condition differs.


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The content in the Makers Nutrition News Blog and elsewhere on this site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any medical diagnostic or treatment purposes and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. The information shared on this website is not a representation that any products mentioned are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor have these statements been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have any illness, condition, or disease or are taking any medications, consult with your physician before adding any supplements to your nutritional regime.

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