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Monolaurin’s Triple A Action: Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antifungal

Industry by Rosemary Tambini on May 13, 2020

Monolaurin’s Triple A Action: Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antifungal

A byproduct of coconut oil, and derived from the fatty acid lauric acid, monolaurin is growing popular for its potential to serve as an antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent.

Lauric acid can be consumed through coconut oil—the fatty acid’s highest natural source—and then there are readily-available dietary supplements. Most people take monolaurin supplements to promote their immune health and overall wellness.

Antiviral Action

It has been reported that monolaurin is somewhat responsible for the improvement and inactivation of viruses including but not limited to measles, visna virus, vesicular stomatitis, and influenza.

Antibacterial Abilities

Studies demonstrate monolaurin’s effectiveness in killing bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (Staph infection). A 2013 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food confirmed the results of other in vitro studies that showed the antibacterial power of monolaurin and that monolaurin can at least partially fight off certain strains of Staph infection in living things, proving reason enough for more observation in human studies. A Journal of Dermatology Drugs study compared monolaurin to six common types of antibiotics in the treatment of superficial pediatric skin infections. The study established significant broad-spectrum antibiotic effects without any of the resistance of common antibiotics.

Antifungal Findings

Fungi, yeasts, and protozoa have all been documented to be killed by monolaurin, including some species of ringworm and Candida albicans, which is a common fungal pathogen that lives in the mouth, gut, genitals, skin, and urinary tract, and can be life-threatening for those who are immunocompromised.

Allergen Warning Obligation

FDA-compliance is beyond important, and the allergen warning on your label is a major component of whether you get a green light from the FDA. Your supplement manufacturer has you covered for optimal private label success! Monolaurin’s only known risks are those related to its source—coconut oil. While serious reactions to coconut are rare, your allergen warning must be conspicuously displayed on the label of your monolaurin/lauric acid private label product. Still, monolaurin remains a low-risk dietary supplement with many benefits.

Monolaurin Motive

Think of the promise monolaurin poses for those with weakened immune systems. Supplementation is proving itself more and more effective, and from the looks of it, monolaurin may be able to fend off viruses and other invaders that threaten your customers’ general wellbeing.


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