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Supplement Stories with Nicole Gillette: Dynamic Graphic Design

Industry by Rosemary Tambini on September 30, 2020

Supplement Stories with Nicole Gillette: Dynamic Graphic Design

When you surf the web or visit the store to shop for trustworthy private label supplements, chances are you are looking at labels created by Makers Nutrition’s graphic design department. You may be viewing a fresh design created by one of our newest graphic designers Nicole Gillette, who shared some insight on client interest and market trends she’s noticed since joining the team. Check it out!

Q: You earned a BFA with honors from Marywood University in Graphic Design. Very impressive! Now here over a month, have you found what you learned useful and applicable to your current position as one of our newest graphic designers?

A: Thank you. I worked really hard for it. When I was still in school, I only had one class that focused on packaging. In that semester, I learned so much about what goes into packaging design which then prepared me for designing labels.

Q: As a full-service provider, our team knows that the design of a label can either draw in or deter prospective clients. However, some of our clients do not entirely understand just how instrumental the design of their label can be in the success of their product(s). What would you tell a client who isn’t too sure about utilizing our graphic design services?

A: I would stress how important the first look is for a product. With so many similar supplements on the shelf, a strong package and brand can help one product stand out from others. By utilizing our graphic design services, we can create the design that will help persuade a customer to choose a specific supplement brand

Q: Which design program(s) have you found the most compatible with clients’ interests for their labels? Are there any new design skills you have picked up since starting at Makers Nutrition?

A: I tend to use Adobe Illustrator when working with clients. Since I’ve been at Makers Nutrition, I’ve learned more about the process that goes into packaging and the details of label making for dietary supplements.

Q: Our artists often speak with clients via phone and/or email to get a true sense of their goals—the nutritional information they wish to emphasize through their label. Some take pride in offering organic, non-GMO health products, some look to offer dairy-free options. Which claims have you found most popular among your clients? Have you noticed any trends?

A: With customers being more health conscious and aware of allergies, I’ve noticed that claims such as non-GMO and Gluten Free are very popular. Labels with these accommodations attract the eye much more than labels without. Because of customers’ needs, companies tend to produce more products with these labels and a cycle continues toward a healthy lifestyle for the customer with fewer unnecessary ingredients.

Q: Do you have any preferences when it comes to designing a particular kind of supplement label? Do you go for a detailed look? More simplified and concise? Does it really depend on what the client wants?

A: I particularly like designing any label with a simple design. Most of my work is blocks of color and lines with simple text. Most of the clients I’ve worked with so far don’t want anything too complicated and like a label with white space which is similar to my own style. I have yet to work with a client who wants their label vastly different from what I’m comfortable with.

Q: If you don’t already, has being surrounded by so much talk about dietary supplements inspired you to take them yourself?

A: Since I’m looking at dietary supplements a lot closer than before, I have started taking an interest in more immune system and women’s health gummies. I was even tempted to pick up a few supplements on my way home from work.

Q: As you are well on your way to success at Makers Nutrition, what are you looking forward to the most?

A: Right now, I’m still learning what I can about the process of creating a label, from receiving a folder to seeing it go to print. I look forward to a day where I know enough and can even teach someone else about the position. That said, the industry is so large, with trends and regulations always changing, that I know there will always be something to learn and improve my skills here at Makers Nutrition.

First Impressions

Nicole’s right! Label design is the first thing your customers see. If it’s bland, if it’s inaccurate, if the information is lacking… believe it or not, these are all dealbreakers, just not the way we typically think of dealbreakers. Your product could be the best on the market, but shoppers will not notice your label, let alone give it another glance if it doesn’t stand out in the first place.

The Team You Need

Makers Nutrition’s graphic designers are trained to suggest what will not only look best but sell best. Nicole is well on her way to gaining the wealth of knowledge some of our more seasoned designers use to guide clients to outstanding finished products.

#YourSupplementSolution is equipped to answer all your questions and concerns and create stellar supplement label and packaging designs. If you are tired of waiting to be impressed by your current designer, or if you are just starting out and need an expert to make some suggestions, we are here for you. Stop stalling—let’s get started today!

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The content in the Makers Nutrition News Blog and elsewhere on this site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any medical diagnostic or treatment purposes and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. The information shared on this website is not a representation that any products mentioned are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor have these statements been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have any illness, condition, or disease or are taking any medications, consult with your physician before adding any supplements to your nutritional regime.

Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition, and appropriate course of treatment. Makers Nutrition expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever resulting from your reliance on the content or information displayed on this site. By visiting this site, you agree to these terms and conditions, which may from time to time be changed or supplemented by Makers Nutrition.

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