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Vitamins for Vegans: Nutrients Your Vegan Customers Need

Industry by Rosemary Tambini on November 1, 2021

Vitamins for Vegans: Nutrients Your Vegan Customers Need

What is Veganism?

In a basic sense, veganism is the omission of animal-based foods and any animal derivatives from one’s diet. Instead, vegans rely on plant-based foods and when necessary, take vegan-friendly vitamins and supplements to make up for nutrients missed through food consumption alone. In a broader sense, veganism is a lifestyle choice to not exploit animals for purposes ranging from food and clothing to cosmetics and other products. Here are the different types of vegans:

  • Dietary vegans: rely on plant-based foods.
  • Whole-food vegans: eat lots of whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
  • Raw-food vegans: eat only raw to relatively raw foods
  • Low-fat, raw food vegans: rely mainly on fruits and high-fat foods like nuts, avocadoes, and coconuts.
  • Junk food vegans: eat heavily on processed vegan food—frozen dinners, vegan meats, fries, non-dairy ice cream.

No matter the type, vegans may need to find the right balance between food and supplements to secure sufficient intake of the nutrients they may have cut out of their diet when switching to an animal-free diet. Your supplement business could serve these individuals with high-quality products… if you partner with the right contract manufacturing service provider.

Vitamins and Minerals Vegans Miss

Here are the top ten supplements to consider when creating a custom formula for vegans:

1. Vitamin D

Essential to bone, cognitive, and inflammatory health, vitamin D is necessary for all humans, vegan or not. Most vitamin D that is used to manufacture supplements is isolated from lanolin, the fat from lambs’ wool, which is NOT vegan. Since vitamin D3 is not always vegan, make sure your vegan vitamin manufacturer is aware of your intentions with the supplement and sources your ingredients from plants only. And while Vitamin D2 is another option for vegans, one that is guaranteed vegan, Vitamin D3 is the active form of the vitamin, so offering a D3 supplement suitable for vegans is ideal for supplement businesses looking to cater to vegans.

2. Vitamin B12

Arguably the most important supplement for vegans, vitamin B12 is needed to maintain healthy blood and nerve cells. While anyone can become deficient in vitamin B12, since most sources of the vitamin are animal-based and animal-derived (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk), vegans are at a higher risk of lacking this critical component for a properly functioning body.

3. Calcium

Most often associated with milk and other dairy products, calcium is also found in plant-based foods like tofu, collard greens, kale, and broccoli. Still, some vegans turn to calcium supplements to ensure their intake, but must beware of dosages, as too much calcium can cause kidney stones.

4. Iron

Responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body and producing red blood cells, iron is essential to one’s health. It can be consumed by eating Brussels sprouts, kale, beets, tofu, and all kinds of green vegetables. Since most people consume iron via meats like lamb, chicken, and beef, vegans may be directed to take supplements if their plant-based diet is lacking the required daily intake. They are often advised to consume foods high in vitamin C, as it helps the body absorb iron. Please always instruct your customers to consult a physician before taking any iron-containing vitamin or dietary supplement, as too much iron may harm the body.

5. Iodine

Iodine helps to ensure proper thyroid function by regulating the production of its hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine), which can only happen when enough iodine is consumed. It can be challenging for vegans to get enough iodine through food, as plant foods typically store low amounts of iodine, with the exception of seaweed (although seaweed may have too much iodine and could be contaminated). A non-seaweed supplement is possibly the best way to meet the body’s need for iodine. Vegan multivitamins often contain iodine with other important vitamins and minerals to ensure optimal health.

6. Zinc

Naturally found in many plant and animal foods, zinc is an essential nutrient for DNA synthesis, protein production, and immune system function. While zinc is readily available in lentils, chia seeds, cashews, and walnuts, taking a daily zinc gluconate or zinc citrate supplement is another way to ensure adequacy.

7. Long-chain omega 3 fatty acids

Often associated with fish such as salmon, mackerel, and seabass, omega-3 fatty acids are split into two categories: essential omega-3 fatty acids (ALA) and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA). Long-chain omega-3s are not considered essential because the body can create them from ALA. Long-chain omega-3s play an instrumental role in brain and eye health and help reduce the risk of inflammation and depression. Since DHA and EPA derive mostly from fish oil and fatty fish, studies often show that vegetarians and vegans have up to 50% lower blood and tissue concentrations of DHA and EPA than omnivores. Therefore, it is recommended that vegans take an algae-containing supplement, which is a source of both DHA and EPA.

8. Vitamin K2

While vitamin K generally assists with blood clotting and wound healing, there are two types of vitamin K: K-1 and K-2. Vitamin K-1 naturally occurs in many dark, leafy greens, which is not a problem for vegans. Vitamin K-2, on the other hand, is present in some dairy products and egg yolks. Since vegans do not consume diary or eggs, they must turn instead to fermented foods, the other source of vitamin K-2, in addition to a K-2 supplement.

9. Selenium

A mineral needed in trace amounts, selenium promotes fertility, immune system function, and cognition. Lentils, cashews, bananas, and spinach are excellent sources of selenium. However, vegans sometimes turn to selenium supplements to guarantee sufficiency.

10. Protein Supplements

Since most protein comes from chicken, beef, eggs, fish, and other animal-derived foods, it is important that your vegan customers remain aware of their protein levels. While they may increase their seed and bean intake, these food sources may not individually contain all nine essential amino acids that make up a complete protein. Therefore, protein supplementation is a great addition to ensure enough protein. Athletic vegans looking to gain muscle may need to boost their protein game even more, as amino acids in protein, aka the “building blocks of protein,” help repair and maintain muscle tissue. Protein powder supplements can help your vegan customers maintain healthy protein levels and improve their muscle growth.

Protein Powder Options for Vegans

With the help of Makers Nutrition, offer customers an excellent source of powdered vegan protein, which can help not only vegans, but individuals who have a dairy sensitivity or experience digestive issues. Here are the top five most popular types of protein among vegan consumers:

1. Pea Protein: rich in BCAAs, which benefit muscle growth. Some research suggests that pea protein is as effective as whey protein, which is dairy based, in muscle building. It may also help lower blood pressure and aid in satiety, making your customers feel fuller longer.

2. Soy Protein: Makers Nutrition often receives quote requests for soy protein to be manufactured into a vegan-suitable powder. Like pea protein, soy protein is another excellent source of BCAAs which work to support muscle growth and may help lower cholesterol levels.

3. Hemp Protein: includes all nine amino acids that the body needs. Hemp seed is also soy free, making a hemp protein powder a great option for vegans with a soy allergy.

Private Label Vegan Protein Powder Manufacturer

Protein powder manufacturing does not come easy to many supplement manufacturers. Why? Because they are not set up to safely manufacture high-quality products in an FDA-registered facility that exceeds GMP standards.

Popular Vegan Products

We regularly manufacture vegan protein, vegan prenatal vitamins, and vegan B-complex supplements. Perhaps most popular, however, are vegan multivitamins, which can be helpful for vegans looking to maintain sufficient daily doses of vitamins and minerals they may otherwise be absent from their regular diet. Your business can offer nutrient-rich daily multivitamins for adults, men, women, and children who follow a plant-based diet.

Vegan Daily Multivitamins

  • Women’s: Due to intrinsic factors such as menstruation, women’s bodies require different amounts of vitamins and minerals to keep them healthy. Consider iron, calcium, and folate when formulating and marketing your vegan multi for women.
  • Men’s: The most important ingredients in men’s multivitamins include vitamin D, vitamin B12, and magnesium. These vitamins and minerals can greatly benefit men’s muscle function, brain health, immunity, and overall wellness.
  • Kids’: For children who are on a vegan diet, it is crucial that their guardians supply them with multivitamin supplements containing all the required vitamins and minerals needed to ensure proper growth and development.

Why Vegans Rely on Safe Supplements

As listed about, food sources for vegans do exist. However, especially for individuals who just converted to veganism, it can be easy to forget to eat specific nutrient-rich foods. In this case, supplementation may be the best course of action to maintain adequate levels.

Private Label Vegan Vitamins

Private label supplement businesses often find much success when partnering with a supplement manufacturer whose foundation is as solid as their manufacturing capabilities. An FDA-registered vitamin manufacturing company such as Makers Nutrition is fully equipped to provide high-quality vegan gummies for your plant-based customers, sourcing only the finest raw material ingredients for your premium product.

Vegan Gummy Manufacturing

Makers Nutrition excels in gummy manufacturing. Be it a gelatin-based immune system support gummy, or a pectin-based men’s multivitamin, we are your supplement partner for all things gummy. If you are looking to offer vegan gummies, it is important that during the research stage of your custom formulation, you know the difference between gelatin and pectin.


Gelatin gummies are not vegan. Gelatin is an odorless, yellowish substance made by boiling tendons, skin, ligaments, and bones of animals with water. It is usually obtained from pigs or cows. While gelatin gummies are still very much manufactured and sold by supplement brands, if you are looking to offer vegans gummy vitamins, pectin is going to be the way to go. Here’s why:


Pectin gummies are vegan. It is a naturally occurring starch used to suit the vegan regimen. While Makers Nutrition invites you to submit your custom gummy formula here, if you are looking to start off with a modest MOQ, you may wish to review our two pectin-based gummies available for private labeling: Kids Complete Pectin Multivitamin Gummies and Biotin Pectin Gummies. Visit our site or call 1-844-625-3771 to discuss the benefits with a product specialist.

Your Vegan Gummy Manufacturer

Beware, some supplement manufacturers may tell you they stock gummy formulas but neglect to inform you of their base. Makers Nutrition maintains full transparency with our products. We want you to know the breakdown of our stock formulas, should you choose to private label them, because we value your vision for your supplement business. If you are looking to offer vegans an avenue toward better health through a beneficial pectin-based gummy that tastes great, then we are the provider for your supplement business.

Choosing the Right Vegan Vitamin Manufacturer

Your vegan customers already know they want safe supplements that are truly free of animal derivatives. You may be thinking, “well, if the manufacturer says it’s vegan, it must be.” That is not always the case. As the nutraceutical industry’s leading provider of dietary supplement services, we are cognizant of the dangers associated with partnering with a deceptive vitamin manufacturer. Skip that mistake and choose us.

Vegan Supplement Sales

As more people rid their bodies of animal-derived foods, they are becoming more reliant on supplement brands that offer supplements containing all the vitamins and minerals they may otherwise miss through food. But first, consider the 2021-2028 6.9% CAGR that should bring the vegan supplement market to over $13 billion by the end of the forecast period. Your supplement business could thrive by offering vegan supplements, but you will first need to partner with a vitamin manufacturer you can rely on as much as you want your customers to rely on your brand.


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The content in the Makers Nutrition News Blog and elsewhere on this site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any medical diagnostic or treatment purposes and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. The information shared on this website is not a representation that any products mentioned are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor have these statements been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have any illness, condition, or disease or are taking any medications, consult with your physician before adding any supplements to your nutritional regime.

Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition, and appropriate course of treatment. Makers Nutrition expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever resulting from your reliance on the content or information displayed on this site. By visiting this site, you agree to these terms and conditions, which may from time to time be changed or supplemented by Makers Nutrition.

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