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Your Private Label Supplement Manufacturer for Blood Sugar Management

Industry by Rosemary Tambini on March 2, 2022

Your Private Label Supplement Manufacturer for Blood Sugar Management

According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, 34.5% of American adults have high blood sugar levels. These individuals need natural products, vitamins and dietary supplements manufactured by a reputable source, offered by a trustworthy brand… will that brand be yours?

The United States of Sugar

America is known for its Entenmann’s donuts, frozen dinners, and sugar-filled Starbucks Frappuccino. The more processed, the more refined, the better, right? WRONG. These foods and beverages are leading consumers down a dangerous road filled with potholes and bumps that could be avoided with the help of your intervention.

Which Potholes and Bumps?

There are plenty of long-term complications of untreated hyperglycemia, or an excess of glucose in the bloodstream. These complications include diabetes, nerve damage, cardiovascular disease, damage to blood vessels of the retina (aka diabetic retinopathy), which could lead to permanent blindness, and kidney damage.

Blood Sugar Supplements

Your vitamin company naturally endorses improved wellness, but does it highlight preventative health? Manufacturing a dietary supplement can help people get ahead of their own wellbeing by trading off the extra sugar for a manageable diet and healthier body. And the market is showing just how much of a demand there really is for products like the ones we can help produce for your business. In 2020, supplement sales hit $140 billion, with 29.5% growth in the weight loss and energy, which includes supplements for blood sugar control.

The COVID-19 Effect

The coronavirus has impacted lives in more than one way—but one of those ways is our collective raised awareness of how we can take action to help ourselves. We can stop eating foods that are too high in sugar, and we can supplement our diets with products that may benefit our blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of conditions that would have otherwise been in our future. Allow your customers to take charge of their wellness by offering blood sugar control supplements you believe in. Which ingredients should go into such a supplement? Glad you asked!

Private Label Vitamin Manufacturing

Vitamin D

Among the many ingredients Earth naturally provides is Vitamin D. Individuals deficient in this nutrient are sometimes considered a risk for type 2 diabetes. In one study, 72% of participants with the condition were deficient in Vitamin D at the start of the study. After two months of taking a daily 4,500 IU Vitamin D supplement, fasting blood sugar and A1C improved. How does Vitamin D work to control blood sugar? It may ameliorate the function of pancreatic cells that produce insulin and increase the body’s responsiveness to insulin.

Ingredients Known to Help Manage Blood Sugar

There are other ingredients that are not strictly vitamins which you can manufacture into powder supplements, capsule supplements, gummy supplements, or tablet supplements to help your customers better manage their blood sugar. Here are five of them:

  • Gymnema sylvestre is an herb well known in Ayurvedic tradition. Its Hindu name: gurmar, or “sugar destroyer.” Pretty self explanatory. Gymnema sylvestre may reduce sugar absorption in the gut and support cells’ uptake of sugar from blood. Studies have shown that this herb can also help reduce cravings for sweets by suppressing the sweet-taste sensation in the mouth. Very interesting, but for some, it might be the supplement ingredient they need to improve their health.
  • Magnesium is another deficiency among many people with type 2 diabetes. It is involved in normal insulin secretion and insulin activity throughout the body’s tissues. Therefore, a high-quality magnesium capsule could be the missing supplement your soon-to-be customers should be taking to veer right from the road they are currently headed toward.
  • Cinnamon, a popular flavor for foods that may also be low in sugar, can be manufactured in dietary supplements. It can help the body’s cells better respond to insulin, in turn allowing sugar into the cells, lowering blood sugar levels. Filled with antioxidants, cinnamon extract can also protect your customers from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
  • Chromium is interesting because of its domino effect. A deficiency in chromium likely reduces the body’s ability to utilize carbohydrates for energy, thereby raising insulin needs. It is believed to help individuals who have type 2 diabetes, decreasing blood sugar—enough to be noted for supplemental use when considering your next product.
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid, or ALA, is a powerhouse antioxidant produced in the liver and found in foods like broccoli, red meat, and spinach. ALA can aid in the improvement of insulin sensitivity and may protect against oxidative damage caused by high blood sugar. ALA also helps many individuals with their diabetic neuropathy, a troubling condition which can develop as a result of prolonged mismanagement of blood glucose levels.

Private Label Supplement Manufacturer

The above science-backed ingredients can set your dietary supplements and vitamins apart from competition. In fact, when you partner with a supplement manufacturing service provider that is always one step ahead, the combination could lead to great success for your business.

To manufacture high-quality and safe supplements for blood sugar management, you need a manufacturer to rely on. Instead of handing your custom formula over to a vitamin manufacturer or supplement manufacturer that will only create the product and leave the rest up to you, Makers Nutrition handles the entire process, from concept to completion. You provide us your custom formula, sure, but we also provide services for co-packaging, graphic design, and order fulfillment, giving you a built-in, worry-free method of warehousing your finished product before distribution to you and your customers.

Custom Graphic Design for Product Labels

Before your private label blood sugar supplements make their way to the warehouse, your we apply labels—labels custom designed according to your specification. With the help of Makers Nutrition, you can incorporate what you learned above through product package design, helping to educate customers. Educate them on how important preventative health is, the threats of eating a high-sugar diet, and why your vitamin brand offers the benefits they need. Through consultation with your Makers Nutrition graphics expert, you can home in on what exactly it is you wish to get across to your customers. We know how to successfully implement a QR code and/or website that leads visitors to more information you would like to share.

Client First Mentality

Unlike the supplement manufacturer vying for your business with too-low-to-believe MOQs and atypical responses to your easy-to-answer questions, Makers Nutrition is at your service 24/7. We have won many awards for our record response rate and client first mentality. We are here to provide you with everything you need for success in the nutraceutical industry, and that includes simply being there to address concerns along the way. Many of our clients have been there, done that with previous supplement manufacturing companies, and we want them to know we do things differently for the benefit of your business.

Like what you see? All that’s left to do is call us at 1-844-625-3771 to get started.

Let’s #buildabrand!


Content Disclaimer

The content in the Makers Nutrition News Blog and elsewhere on this site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any medical diagnostic or treatment purposes and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. The information shared on this website is not a representation that any products mentioned are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor have these statements been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have any illness, condition, or disease or are taking any medications, consult with your physician before adding any supplements to your nutritional regime.

Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition, and appropriate course of treatment. Makers Nutrition expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever resulting from your reliance on the content or information displayed on this site. By visiting this site, you agree to these terms and conditions, which may from time to time be changed or supplemented by Makers Nutrition.

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