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Energy Supporting Supplements

Industry by Rosemary Tambini on November 2, 2022

Energy Supporting Supplements

‘Tis the season for feeling stuffed and lazy! This November, fill your customers’ carts with energy supporting supplements so they can recover from a Thanksgiving spent once again around the table that brings us all together. 

Why Thanksgiving makes us tired

While everyone says they could take nap after they eat the big meal, there is some scientific truth that turkey dinner really does make us tired. According to registered dietician nutritionist Holly Klamer, MS, RDN, “turkey is associated with sleepiness because it is a good source of the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is then used by the body to help make the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is considered a precursor to the hormone melatonin.” The main regulator for sleep is melatonin, so the chain reaction does not help when you still have dessert to get through.

Not just turkey 

Traditionally, everyone thinks turkey is the culprit for fatigue, but tryptophan is in other foods too—like beef, chicken, pork chops, and even tofu. Carbs don’t help either. Mashed potatoes, stuffing, and desserts are all high in sleepy eye inducing carbohydrates, giving more reason for a post-meal nap… after the game of course! 

The health consciousness shift

This year, we can all expect more health-conscious family members at the table. I know we are speaking of sleepiness here, but now, more than ever, people are wide awake to their health and wellness. They are interested in getting full on healthier choices and having vegetable side options, ones comprising the nutrients from which they may already obtain through dietary supplements.   

  • Turkey: protein, B vitamins, low in fat
  • Cranberry sauce: vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber
  • Green beans: thiamin, niacin, calcium, iron, Vitamins A, C, and K 
  • Sweet potatoes: vitamin B6, protein, potassium, pantothenic acid  

If these are among the dishes served at your customers’ tables, then they are eating a great mix of health benefitting foods, which, along with regular exercise, should be the main sources of balanced energy levels. Sometimes, though, people need some help through supplementation.

Which supplements help with energy?

If people are looking to incorporate more energy supporting vitamins and minerals into their regimen, then these 10 ingredients might be what they need.

1. Ashwagandha: An adaptogenic Ayurvedic herb, ashwagandha has been shown to fortify the body’s resilience to mental and physical stress. In one study, people were given an ashwagandha supplement, and showed significant improvements in several measures of stress and anxiety, compared to subjects given a placebo. They also reported 28% lower levels of cortisol, a hormone that increases in response to stress. Supporting these findings was a review of five studies assessing the effects of ashwagandha on stress and anxiety. All of the studies showed that those who took ashwagandha extract scored better on tests measuring stress, anxiety, and fatigue. Research also indicates that ashwagandha can help with fatigue associated with exercise. 

2. Vitamin B12: Critical to the conversion of food into energy utilized by cells, B12 is naturally occurring in a variety of animal proteins, such as fish, meat, and dairy products, making this nutrient a viable one for vegans and vegetarians who may be at a higher risk of deficiency. 

3. Rhodiola Rosea: Another adaptogen, rhodiola is believed to increase the body’s capacity to adapt to stress by easing mental and physical fatigue. It also shows promising effects for individuals with depression. 

4. CoQ10: An antioxidant that works to strengthen the immune system and lift energy levels. When CoQ10 levels decline, the body’s cells cannot produce the energy it needs to grow and remain healthy, thereby contributing to a drop in energy and increase in fatigue. Fish, meats, and nuts all contain Coenzyme Q10, but not in large enough amounts to considerably increase levels in the body. Especially if consumers are vegetarian or vegan, then the chances are high that they need more CoQ10, which may best come from a quality supplement manufactured through a state-of-the-art GMP facility. 

5. Creatine: An amino acid occurring mostly in red meat and seafood, creatine supplementation increases creatine stores in muscles and can help improve exercise performance. 

6. Vitamin D: If your muscles are tired, it is possible that you are lacking Vitamin D. And you’re not alone. Once you have created a Vitamin D supplement and find that it helps you, then you can offer it to the consumers who are among 1 billion people worldwide who have a Vitamin D deficiency.  

7. Iron: When too few fruits and vegetables are eaten, the body can lack the ability to absorb calcium as well as it could. Women who are menstruating, pregnant, breastfeeding, are vegetarian or vegan, or individuals who exercise intensely or donate blood regularly have a higher risk of becoming iron deficient. As a result, fatigue can set in and affect one’s everyday activities and slow things down drastically, which is not ideal, especially for busy bees. 

8. L-theanine: A naturally occurring amino acid in tea, L-theanine can be combined with caffeine, helping to increase energy and promote cognitive function. Yes, you read that right. This amino acid has been shown to work with caffeine to get the same energy-enhancing effects from caffeine alone, just without the unwanted side effects like insomnia or the jitters. It has also been shown to positively impact reaction time and memory, while decreasing mental fatigue and tiredness. 

9. Citrulline: Citrulline works to increase nitric oxide, dilating blood vessels, making for better oxygen transportation to the body’s cells, working to decrease fatigue and increase energy production. 

10. Beetroot Powder: Beetroot comprises a high amount of nitrate, and like L-citrulline, nitrate produces nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow and oxygen delivery throughout the body. This allows for more efficient energy production, which gym goers find most useful when trying to exercise longer. 

Energy for everyone 

With the assistance of Makers Nutrition, your private label supplement brand can branch off into categories, targeting different consumers for different areas of health they may pique their interest. Take creatine, for example. Not only is it a good option for people who need to increase their levels for general energy and don’t get enough of it from the food they eat, but creatine can be presented as a sport nutrition supplement. In fact, the nonessential amino acid is popular among athletes for its post-workout effects. You can turn virtually any ingredient into any type of product, depending on your goals and intent for consumers who want and need more energy. Pre-workout, post-workout, you name it. Whichever direction you decide to take, we will be there to drive you through a seamless process of manufacturing, design, packaging, and fulfillment. 

Custom supplements for energy support 

You can take any of the ingredients we have discussed or any that you have done your own research on and manufacture them into capsules, tablets, softgels, powders, gummies and more! Our competitive MOQs and unbeatable value knock out any other supplement manufacturer vying for your business. 
Request a quote today!

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The content in the Makers Nutrition News Blog and elsewhere on this site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any medical diagnostic or treatment purposes and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. The information shared on this website is not a representation that any products mentioned are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor have these statements been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have any illness, condition, or disease or are taking any medications, consult with your physician before adding any supplements to your nutritional regime.

Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition, and appropriate course of treatment. Makers Nutrition expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever resulting from your reliance on the content or information displayed on this site. By visiting this site, you agree to these terms and conditions, which may from time to time be changed or supplemented by Makers Nutrition.

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