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Manufacturing Supplements with Essential Fatty Acids

Industry by Rosemary Tambini on August 24, 2022

Manufacturing Supplements with Essential Fatty Acids

There are two types of fatty acids: essential and nonessential, both important for the body to perform properly. While the body can create nonessential fatty acids by converting amino acids from foods eaten, it cannot create essential fatty acids (EFAs) on its own. The only way is through direct food consumption and dietary supplement intake. That is why it is very important that you educate your current and prospective clients and provide high-quality EFA products—especially considering that 95% of Americans (and 80% of people around the globe) fall short of their EPA and DHA dietary needs, which is where most essential fatty acids come from.

What are essential fatty acids?

Essential fatty acids are, well, essential. They are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that are separated into two categories: omega-3 and omega-6. Omega-3 and 6 are required for the body to work, as they create compounds called eicosanoids, which are vital for hormones that moderate the immune system, nervous system, and other hormones. Eicosanoids from omega-3 fatty acids support heart health, while those from omega-6 promote immune system response, blood pressure, and inflammation. Keep these specific benefits in mind when discussing your private label design and listing claims. Our graphic designers will assist in making sure those claims are clear and compliant with FDA regulations.

Essential fatty acid confusion

Almost everyone is either allergic to something or has a dietary restriction, voluntarily or not. Many people simply don’t eat the foods that contain sufficient amounts of EFAs. These are the people who turn to supplementation, or at least need to know they should. Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra of Healthy Directions in Maryland tells Vitamin Retailer, “The market for EFAs is relatively confusing from a consumer perspective given the number of choices out there. These range from standard fish oil-derived EFAs to many new forms of vegetarian or vegan options from algae and plants to more unique sources including calamari and krill.” You can appeal to the masses with vegetarian AND vegan essential fatty acid formulas with the help of Makers Nutrition.

Different strokes

You see, there are so many different directions and specifications you can manufacture your EFA supplement to meet. For example, most people consume a diet loaded with omega-6 fatty acids and not enough omega-3s, shifting the inflammatory balance towards more, and maybe too much, inflammation. In such a case, a product with higher DHA and EPA could be beneficial. Other people may be healthier overall and consume a higher amount of fish and seafood in their diet and therefore not need as many of the omega-3s. For them, you may wish to include different EFAs such as omega-7 and 9.

Manufacturing vegan friendly supplements with essential fatty acids

Again, it all depends on the individual’s dietary needs and goals and yours as a supplement business. If you have a vegan customer who wants to buy from your private label supplement brand, but are concerned about your profits, then consider this: with around 79 million vegan people in the world, there is plenty of demand for vegan friendly dietary supplements. You can offer products that contain important essential fatty acids linoleic acid (LA), gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which all derive from plant sources. LA and GLA are both omega-6 fats, but since omega-6 fats are usually abundant in diet (soybeans, nuts, seeds, corn), the concern is consuming adequate omega-3 fats. ALA is an omega-3 fat with flaxseed oil being its richest source and can help with digestion, energy, and absorption. Since the human body can only produce ALA in small quantities, many individuals turn to supplementation to increase their intake. So, not only are vegans interested in ALA products, but many non-vegans could need it in general, which opens doors for your private label business.

New findings and product development

According to Elana Natker, Director of Consumer and Health Practitioner Communications at GOED, “more and more, consumers are looking for ways to support a plant-based diet. Since the majority of EPA and DHA omega-3s come from fish or marine sources, as of right now the only purely vegetarian or vegan source of EPA and DHA omega-3s are those made from marine microalgae. There continues to be growth in that area, with land-based algae farms cropping up to meet the increased demand.” Sinatra adds, “Like most dietary supplement consumers, EFA consumers are looking for products that are supported by clinically researched doses of ingredients, along with ingredients that are novel, and delivery forms that are unique and convenient.” Consumers are growing more interested in clean labels, products with no fillers, additives, or artificial preservatives which are often considered “junk” by many health-conscious dietary supplement users. Remember this when going through your list of questions with your prospective supplement manufacturer.

Essential fatty acid dosages

One size does not fit all when it comes to essential fatty acid consumption. It boils down to what the individual is trying to achieve, their age, health status, and the type of diet they are maintaining. At the moment, there is no official recommended daily allowance for EPA and DHA, but most health organizations concur that 250-500 mg of combined EPA and DHA is enough for adults to uphold overall wellness. If your customers do not eat enough fish or plant sources, they can turn to a trustworthy private label brand that manufactures supplements through a GMP-compliant company that has the certifications needed to get your product to market.

Custom Runs

For the other, more experienced supplement businesses, Makers Nutrition will gladly process your custom formula quote within 48 hours. Simply upload your product name, its supplement fact file, serving size, and other required credentials and click next. Someone will be contacting you soon after your submission to get started on your essential fatty acid product.

White Label Softgel Supplement Manufacturing

If you are a younger vitamin brand, then you may be looking into white label supplement manufacturers. We are here to tell you that is a very wise choice. We offer an abundant amount of vegan-friendly, ALA, EPA, and DHA softgels readily available to be labeled with your logo. displays many of these options, and you are welcome to call us at 1-844-743-5700 to speak with a representative who can walk you through the process. If you decide to take the white label approach, you may benefit greatly from much lower minimum order quantities and faster turnaround times than a custom order would allot. You will also have the opportunity to take advantage of a full-service option. Your softgels will be manufactured, bottled, packaged, and warehoused all through one provider.

Why you must manufacture essential fatty acids through Makers Nutrition

Your private label can accommodate all the consumers who need to boost their EFA intake but are also sensitive to what dietary supplements comprise. Those who follow kosher, halal, vegetarian, and vegan lifestyles can all take your product when you manufacture through Makers Nutrition. Ask us about our capabilities. We can create a stellar essential fatty acid product most often sold in the form of softgels that are free of:

  • Major allergens
  • GMOs
  • Artificial colorants, and more!

We can accommodate almost any specification for dietary supplements, but we do absolutely meet every single one that is agreed upon when partnering with our team. We invite inquirers to ask us and other supplement service providers the same questions. See how we stack up against the other companies. While they may tell you that their pricing is great, they won’t tell you that you’d be compromising quality. Here at Makers Nutrition, there is no compromising. We have all the resources, equipment, and commitment to provide only the best in quality, service, and value. Contact us today to get started.


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The content in the Makers Nutrition News Blog and elsewhere on this site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any medical diagnostic or treatment purposes and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. The information shared on this website is not a representation that any products mentioned are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor have these statements been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have any illness, condition, or disease or are taking any medications, consult with your physician before adding any supplements to your nutritional regime.

Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition, and appropriate course of treatment. Makers Nutrition expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever resulting from your reliance on the content or information displayed on this site. By visiting this site, you agree to these terms and conditions, which may from time to time be changed or supplemented by Makers Nutrition.

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