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Vitamins and Minerals to Manufacture for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Industry by Rosemary Tambini on November 7, 2022

Vitamins and Minerals to Manufacture for Healthy Teeth and Gums

If cranberry extract surprised you last week, then wait until you read on and learn which other vitamin and minerals could help your customers keep their oral health in check. These nutrients all play important roles in keeping one’s immune system bolstered, but now it’s time to share with customers their power in helping ensure gum and tooth wellness.

Gum disease and dementia

Everything really is connected. Cranberry can help with dementia and has also been connected to good oral hygiene by way of compounds like proanthocyanidins and polyphenols, which ward off bad bacteria. Bad bacteria could cause gum disease, which is considered a risk for dementia.

In fact, a study published in the online journal Neurology in July 2022 supports the possibility that oral infections could be a risk factor for dementia. The study was conducted over a 20-year period, following over 8,000 participants around the age of 63. Participants who did not show signs of mild cognitive impairment or dementia at baseline were grouped by the severity of their periodontal disease.


14% of participants with healthy gums and all their teeth at baseline developed dementia, compared to 18% of those with mild periodontal disease and 22% that had severe periodontal disease. The highest percentage, 23% of participants, that developed dementia was found to be those who were edentulous, or toothless. The study proved that oral health is an important factor earlier in aging when in late adulthood. There are preventative steps that can be taken which may prevent the development of gum disease. Association between periodontal disease and dementia is “rooted in the infection hypothesis, meaning adverse microbial exposures in the mucosal surfaces of the mouth, especially the subgingival space,” reported lead author Ryan T. Demmer, PhD. He continued, “One notation is that there could somehow be a direct infection of the brain with oral organisms, which posits that the oral organism could travel to the brain, colonize there and cause damage that impairs cognition.” While this study does not provide an end-all solution to treating dementia, it does suggest the substantial impact good oral hygiene and visiting the dentist can have on overall wellbeing.

Vitamins for healthy gums and teeth

Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash—the essentials of a clean mouth. But have you considered expanding your private label vitamin line with a supplement for gum and tooth health.

Vitamin A promotes saliva production and helps keep the mucous membranes in cheeks and gums healthy.

Vitamin C is key for gum health. It supports tissue growth and repair, as well as wound healing. A deficiency in the nutrient can lead to bleeding gums and contribute to gum disease. Vitamin C is of course a major player on the market for immune health, and without a healthy immune system, damaged gums would be unable to heal.

Vitamin D is also very important to maintaining healthy teeth and bones, preventing tooth decay and gum disease. This vitamin is so important, in fact, that a 2018 study in the International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry showed that children who are deficient in Vitamin D are at a higher risk of tooth decay than children with adequate levels. Working similarly to Vitamin C, Vitamin D also protects gums by keeping the immune system strong.

Minerals for healthy gums and teeth

To understand the significance of minerals in gum and tooth health, you and your customers should know some background. Tooth enamel is made of calcium, so it’s one of the most vital nutrients for healthy mouths.

For adults, it is understood that getting 1,000 mg of calcium per day (1,200 for women over 50 years of age), can help fight tooth decay, thereby strengthening enamel and promoting gum health. While zinc is essential to immune system support, it also has agency in remineralizing teeth and protecting against bacteria that may cause cavities.

Iron too, is a mineral that boosts immune power and works to fight oral infections and gum disease. Last but not least, fluoride is a critical mineral for oral wellness, which is often seen on toothpaste tubes. Many water brands contain fluoride, but usually not enough to prevent tooth decay. This is why people living on private wells should definitely speak to their dentist about adding a fluoride supplement to their regimen.

Still go to the dentist

All of this said, you yourself may be thinking, why not take oral health into my own hands and forget about the dentist? Remember, it is extremely important that everyone visits their dentists regularly for checkups. These are the professionals who can tell if your teeth are in jeopardy or if your gums need some support. This is something your customers need to know. Dietary supplements are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. They can certainly aid in your customers’ efforts of maintaining a healthy mouth, but individuals of any age should never rely solely on vitamins or supplements for any area of health.

Packaging warnings

The package design of your label may be colorful and inviting, but does it state that customers should still go to the dentist and check with them before taking any supplements? Keep this in mind when discussing a layout with one of our expert graphic designers.

Retargeting vitamins manufactured

If you already have supplements on the market comprising Vitamins A, C, and D, then perhaps you could retarget an existing product. By adding some marketing material to your label, or making a slight adjustment to your formula, that Vitamin C powder for immune health supplement could easily be made into a Vitamin C for oral health product. Think beyond the scope of average vitamin brands and how they market their products. Your structure/function claims can include “oral health,” when brands with virtually the same supplement facts do not, increasing your chances of selling.

Why who manufactures your vitamins matters

If you have something in mind for your new oral health supplement, then it’s time to consider who you plan on having manufacture that product. We urge potential clients of ours to ask questions. You might have your finger on one supplement or vitamin manufacturer that tells you there is no comparison with their capabilities. Don’t fall for the trap. Many devious service providers claim that they have an impressive plant where the work gets done. Bring up the 11 golden rules of contract manufacturing during your next conversation. See what they say when you ask about their reputability, certificates, and compliance.

The real deal

Our company does not manufacture in a garage, as some posing vitamin manufacturers do. At Makers Nutrition, all materials are manufactured and handled in an FDA-registered, GMP-compliant facility. We are upfront and transparent with clients, and would advise against an uncredited manufacturing company, one that puts the health of your customers at risk, one that has no press or appearances outside the realm of their own website. We have the credentials, awards, and capacity to complete the sometimes-hectic process of manufacturing, packaging, and fulfillment in a simplified manner. Our team has mastered the art of all three stages so your brand can get ahead and exceed your own expectations.

When you conclude Makers Nutrition is the best suited supplement manufacturing consultant for your vitamin project, click or call and we will be ready to hear your business goals and make them a reality.

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The content in the Makers Nutrition News Blog and elsewhere on this site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any medical diagnostic or treatment purposes and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a licensed medical professional. The information shared on this website is not a representation that any products mentioned are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor have these statements been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have any illness, condition, or disease or are taking any medications, consult with your physician before adding any supplements to your nutritional regime.

Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition, and appropriate course of treatment. Makers Nutrition expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever resulting from your reliance on the content or information displayed on this site. By visiting this site, you agree to these terms and conditions, which may from time to time be changed or supplemented by Makers Nutrition.

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